Speak it into existence.

I have been thinking a lot about where I am in my life currently and where I would like to be.  What do I want for my life within the next year or two or three?  There are three things that I am passionate that has been unchanging for most of my life; travel, art, and food.  I have been thinking of ways to create multiple streams of income for myself by doing the things I love and excel in.  Those three things have many branches of other interests that are interconnected but to narrow them down, I believe they embody the core of who I am.

So in order to figure out what I am good at, from an outside perspective,  I decided to start calling some of my friends up and asking them and writing down what they reveal.  I called one friend and I asked her, “If  you could name three things that you think I am good at, what would they be?”  What she proceeded to say helped me to understand how others see me opposed to how I see myself lately.  “What are you not good at Ebony?  You can do whatever you put your mind to.”  “You are too kind.  No, but really what do you think I am good at?  Seriously this time…”,  I said.  She responded,”I am serious.”

Her words helped me to see that it’s true, you can do whatever you set your mind to; you just have to believe that you can, as corny and cliche as that may sound.  So what do I want for my life in the next couple of years or so?  I want to share my passion for the belief that food is medicine, create beautiful art that enriches people’s lives,  and expose my daughter to the enriching experience of travel.  They say in order to accomplish what you heart desires, you have to speak it into existence, almost like a prayer, and then act on it.  That is what I intend to do.  I hope it is what you believe that you can do too.  What are you passionate about and how do you intend on doing it to a greater extent in your life?

4 thoughts on “Speak it into existence.

  1. It’s scientifically true, your body believes what your mind tells it. There’s a book called Feeling Good by David D. Burns, M.D. which discusses this & uses it for treatment of mood disorders. Your positively is a very good quality & can actually help us physically. The scriptures even support this. I really liked the new Awake article on Depression & the suggestions for an emotional “First-Aid Kit”.

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